ALLEGRO News on Publication “Field trial demonstration of AI-engine driven cross-domain rerouting and optimisation in dynamic optical networks”
Abstract An AI-engine-driven cross-domain orchestrator has been implemented on a multi-domain...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “Band/Multi-Fiber Solutions in Optical Metropolitan Area Network”
Abstract—The tremendous traffic growth generated by video, cloud, future 5G and beyond services is...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “Hardware Fingerprint Authentication in Optical Networks Using Anomaly Detection”
Abstract: We propose and demonstrate a hardware fingerprint authentication model in optical...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “Toward Optimal Orchestration of Time-shared QKD Infrastructure”
Abstract Orchestrating Time-multiplexed QKD (Quantum Key Distribution) infrastructure is a complex...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “Software-defined, programmable L1 dataplane: demonstration of fabric hardware resilience using optical switches”
Abstract We propose a programmable optical fabric design for Data Center networks that extends SDN...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “Optical Identification for User Authentication in Quantum Key Distribution Systems
Abstract We propose a novel technique for user authentication in fiber-based quantum key...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “256 GBd Single-Carrier Transmission over 100km SSMF by a Plasmonic IQ Modulator”
Abstract A plasmonic IQ modulator is used to demonstrate 160 GBd 64QAM with achievable data-rates...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “Modulation Enhancement Through Resonant Microwave-Photonic Co-Design”
Abstract Above 3 dB modulation enhancement is demonstrated by cointegrating a resonant microwave...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “, “Field-Trial Demonstration of ML Deployments in Optical Networks Using Telemetry and AI Engine”
Abstract We present an AI engine built on OpenFaas utilizing distributed databases and network...
ALLEGRO News on Publication “Experimental Demonstration of In-Field 400G Coherent Metro-Access Convergence”
Abstract: We present an experimental demonstration and analytical scaling of optically amplified...